Watch the video below to see a demonstration of proper form and technique for the dumbbell shoulder press exercise. You can also check out some more shoulder exercise videos or find exercises for other muscle groups.

Instructions for Dumbbell Shoulder Press

To perform a set of dumbbell shoulder press:

  1. Starting Position

    Sit upright on a bench holidng two dumbbells at your sides, in a pronated grip, at the height of your forehead. Your elbows should be bent to 90 degrees and placed directly below your hands; your trunk should be in a neutral position.

  2. Concentric (Upward) Motion

    Maintain a relaxed shoulder while driving the dumbbells overhead until your elbows are fully extended.

  3. Top position

    Pause at the top position for a 2 sec count while maintaing tension in the arms and trunk.

  4. Eccentric (Lowering) Motion

    Lower the weight to each side, under control, until your elbow is bent to 90 degrees and is at the height of your shoulders. Your hands should be located directly above your elbows. . Remember to breathe normally throughout the entire movement.

  5. End position

    Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you have completed the desired number of dumbbell shoulder press repetitions before resting.

This completes one set of dumbbell shoulder press.